Tuesday, October 10, 2006

What would you do to avoid listening to the Darkness?

Phew, I've just finished Popjustice's annual poll, in a bid to win a stack of CDs the same height as me.

Questions included: "Do you buy pop star's mp3 or CD simply because you 'want to kiss them'?" and "Would you rather bum Justin Hawkins than listen to the Darkness' second album?" Uh, yes to the former, no to the latter. Honest. Tough decision, really. But I admit it, I do buy Sugababes' CDs because I want to kiss them - and my restraining order attests to that.

The Popjustice poll is much better than DJ magazine's annual top 100 DJ poll. A fact underlined by techno whizz Dave Clarke who says that the DJ poll issue is his least favourite. Or perhaps more poignantly still by Future Publishing who have just put the magazine up for sale - as reported in this week's Skruff emailer.

Either way, answering questions on how badly I want to see Abba reform (really quite badly) and whether Robbie is a bigger penis than Johnny Borrell (you'd think it's be easy to answer, but it isn't) brought much-needed relief to writing an utterly sober client media training brief ahead of a national TV breakfast interview. So long live pop. Long live justice. Long live Popjustice.

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