Thursday, November 16, 2006

Tokyo tramp stampede

It's 4am, and the tramps are beginning to stampede. Along with them are the Chinese students. Caught up in the frenzy are a bunch of Tokyo gamers. 300 tense people are orbiting Bic Camera, a Tokyo store, with the same intent - to be among the world's first to buy a shiny new PS3 console.

Brad's account of buying the first PS3 console is insightful, emotional and just a little hilarious. Sharky businessmen have employed a number of poor Chinese students to snap up the consoles to sell at vastly over-inflated sums abroad. Tokyo residents have paid tramps to queue for them. Journalists, snappers and TV crews are there to capture the action.

No-one is allowed to stand still thanks to a law banning queuing in the dark. A store shutter moves here. A store clerk appears there. But a mere flinch at Bic Camera tips the mob into a frenzied
rush to the store. And then back again. It's like a panicked version of a Benny Hill chase sequence. As for Brad and his mates, they're just hardcore gamers intent on getting the console the world has been waiting for.

For PS3, this truly is PR that money can't buy. Now, I'm off to type up a plan for an MP3 player new business prospect. Recommendation #1, hire squad of tramps...Story via Jean Snow.

1 comment:

Strip Poker said...

I hope, you will come to the correct decision. Do not despair.