Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Wrath of the Inch of Snow

The Inch of Snow that brought London to its knees last week has issued a chilling threat: it may return in the cold snap this week. It's the news that Londoners surely feared the most, and may have some fleeing the town in terror.

Today, at 4.03 p.m., the Inch of Snow cut into national TV and radio broadcasts, taking over the country's airwaves to deliver it's nerve-rattling warning, in an accent alarmingly like Alan Rickman's:

"Puny Earthlings. I, the inch of snow, hate you. I hate your trains. I hate your Tube. I hate your inability to cope with even the meekest weather. And so I, the Inch of Snow, will return to destroy your diminishing faith in Britain's public transport once and for all. Beware.

"Your trains will grind to a halt. Your Tube lines will shut. Your buses will not move. And, although you humans will be able to walk and move exactly as normal through my really quite thin dusting of snow, and though that dusting only lasts until about 8.30 a.m., whereupon it just kind of melts, so help me I will bring your public transport to a grinding standstill."

The PCP asked Mayor Ken 'Livid' Livingston to comment, but his press spokesman said that he was "far too busy sending letter bombs to congestion charge managers, Capita."

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